
We foster a supportive and welcoming community

Learn about our key values and how SVS members can involve themselves with the club.

Key values

Curious, passionate, adventure-ous

Our club members are characterized by their curiosity, passion, and willingness to adventure into new ideas. At SVS, we believe that building your professional career should come hand in hand with an enjoyable experience. We value our bond as a community and believe it to be a key reason to our members' success!

community Initiatives

There are various ways students can choose to involve themselves in our community through general meetings, post mentorship, and fun events.

1. General Meetings

Open to all NYU Students

We invite speakers and host workshops for our weekly meetings. Our meetings are interactive and engaging and we encourage all interested students to join us. We look forward to your participation and love to hear your thoughts.

When: Every Tuesday at 12:30PM. Location TBD

Follow our instagram and sign up for our newsletter to get the latest and most accurate updates on meeting information. We'll inform you of ongoing opportunities as well!

2. Post Mentorship

Open to VTEAM graduates

Venture Team members are invited to join post-mentorship after completion of their program. Along with educational projects, post-mentorship offers a fun and supportive group of people. We listen to each other’s Agora Talks (members present on any topic of their choosing), host an annual Secret Santa, and say goodbye to our graduating students with a Senior Send-Off.

Learn more about the program

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3. Retreats and Socials

Open to Venture Team or Post Mentorship grads

Each semester, we host at least one social to welcome our new members and one retreat to bring the community closer because we believe in fostering long-lasting connections!

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